Sunday, October 30, 2016

2016 Olympia LDS Stake Merit Badge Pow Wow

The Olympia Stake is hosting a Pow Wow on November 12, 2016 at the Puget and Yew LDS Chapel (1116 Yew Ave NE, Olympia, WA 98506). Along with the stations to help the boys along their trail to 1st Class, we are offering a slew of merit badges to help develop the boys' skills as they advance in scouting. Many of the merit badges offered however require the boys to do some work on their own and so it can't be completed fully at the pow wow. But, if the boys do this work on their own prior to the pow wow, they can show the work to their counselor at the pow wow and come home with a completed merit badge (way better than a partial)!

To see what work needs to be done prior to the pow wow, click on one of the pages to the right for the merit badge you are planning on working on. You can also post a comment if you have any other questions.

You can preregister for the Pow Wow by going to:

We will also have registration at the door from 8:00-8:30.

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